Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Smart watch pentru orice buzunar

Traim intr-o lume in care tehnologia joaca un rol foarte important. Cu o simpla atingere de deget, utilizatorii de smartphone-uri au acces la o cantitate impresionanta de informatii in decurs de doar cateva secunde. Se poate verifica emailul, uploada fotografii imediat dupa ce sunt efectuate, achizitionarea de produse online si transferuri bancare fara niciun efort. Smartphone-urile din ziua de azi trimit si primesc informatii in scurt timp, iar accesul instant la informatii a revolutionat modul in care oamenii traiesc.
In schimb, au aparut si smartwatch-urile, care au fost promovate pentru a facilita utilizarea telefonului inteligent. Cele doua merg mana in mana sau incheietura mai degraba, iar tehnologia Bluetooth permite utilizarea simultanta a dispozitivelor. Cum frecvent apar noi modele de smartwatch-uri, utilizatorii smartphone-urilor au la dispozitie o multime de optiuni din care sa aleaga. Iata care sunt cele mai mari avantaje ale unui computer disponibil la incheietura mainii.
Toti oamenii isi doresc sa fie bine informati, sa se simta conectati, iar din acest motiv smartphone-urile sunt foarte atragatoare. Insa acum te poti bucura de majoritatea facilitatilor oferite, fara a mai fi nevoie sa scoti telefonul din buzunar, totul cu ajutorul ceasurilor inteligente. Se pot primi apeluri, mesaje, emailuri, notificari, alerte, update-uri, intr-un mod discret.
Spre deosebire de multe alte tehnologii noi, smartwatch-urile sunt accesibile din punct de vedere financiar. Chiar si cele mai noi modele nu au preturi exorbitante, iar pe masura trecerii timpului, functiile se vor imbuntati, iar preturile vor scadea semnificativ.
Unele dispozitive de tip smart watch au implementate memorii flash, in timp ce altele propun control prin gesturi, stocare in cloud etc. Multe dintre acestea permit utilizarea social media in cele mai bune conditii, iar de acum cand esti la fitness, nu mai este nevoie sa scoti telefonul din buzunar pentru a vedea cine te suna sau iti trimite mesaj, pentru ca o simpla privire asupra incheieturii te va lamuri.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Virtual tour software to improve the work of a real estate agent

I am very sure that a real estate agent has a really though job. He must spent a lot of time visiting every potential client house, also to understand the benefits of moving there, to make a whole set of pictures of the exterior and then try to find potential clients that would like that particular house. 

The process is complicated, it takes tons of time, and as houses being sold and bought very often, sometimes the work will not mean anything if a sale is not being made or if iit is being made by someone else. That means a lot of driving to the property to prepare it for selling and then a lot of discussions and presentations of that certain place to potential clients.

It is simply to understand that no one can do too many times in a day. Maybe some customers want to see a place in the same time because they have very busy schedules, while others always tend to be late or very late.

But Tour Wizard has the best solution.
A Realestate virtual tour - which basically is an innovative new way of presenting a place to all the potential clients. 360 degree view on the house from inside and outside . The client would be able to see every room in every details and from every corner. Nothing is left unpictured and everything is crystal clear. The best part is that he can do all this seeing from his home. So no more wasting time trying to present a house, no more overlapping clients. Just be there for the final view before someone actually wants to purchase it.